Wide Local Excision (lumpectomy)

A wide local excision or ‘lumpectomy’ is the removal of a breast cancer with a cuff of normal surrounding breast tissue. It is the most common surgery performed for a breast cancer and is almost always followed by radiotherapy. This is also commonly referred to as breast conserving surgery.

There are many benefits of breast conservation. It allows you to keep your breast with the aim of preserving as much of your natural shape as possible. This has a positive psychologic impact for you and is less disfiguring than a mastectomy, even with reconstruction. Breast conserving surgery when combined with radiotherapy has equivalent survival outcomes to mastectomy.

This surgery is performed under a general anaesthetic and takes around an hour. Dr Forsyth will discuss the expected scar with you which will depend on the location of the tumour. She will leave some small titanium clips in the breast to help the Radiation doctors to target your radiotherapy. These clips are inert, harmless and MRI compatible. Dr Forsyth will discuss the expected aesthetic impact and possible complications with you during your consultation.


Most patients will go home on the day of surgery. You will have a waterproof dressing on your wound and can shower after the surgery. You will need up to a week off work depending on your occupation. You should avoid soaking in a bath, swimming, heavy lifting, and strenuous exercise until your post op appointment with Dr Forsyth which will be two weeks after your surgery. She will discuss your pathology results with you at this appointment.

Post operative bras

Dr Forsyth recommends that you wear a soft, supportive bra in the post operative period. You should wear this at all times during the day but can remove it at night.